The following is a list of Masonic Amateur Radio Nets held in and near Ohio.
Additions to this list are welcome by contacting the SIG coordinator listed below.
The Trestleboard Net |
Originating in Cleveland |
Sunday evenings on 28.495 mHz at 2030 ET(0130Z, 0030Z DST) |
Tuesdays on the 146.73 mHz repeater at 2100 ET (0200Z, 0100Z DST) |
Ohio Masonic Fellowship Net |
Sunday evenings on 3.865 mHz at 2130 ET (0230Z, 0130Z DST) |
Net Control: W.B. Jim Sutherin, K8DHC |
Marion, OH |
20 Meter Masonic Fellowship Net |
Monday-Friday on 14.328 mHz at 1100 ET (1600Z, 1500Z DST) |
Net Controls: Dave KD5RHL Thursday and Friday, Barb KD5SVX also on Friday |
Larry, N7LAR Monday, Jim N0TUI Tuesday |
Chuck W4CTC on Wednesday |
Michigan Masonic Fellowship Net |
Sunday afternoons on 7233 mHz at 1400 ET (1900Z, 1800Z DST |
Net Control: W.B. John M. Akkala, W8AT |
Marquette, MI |
QCWA Chapter No. 1 |
Cleveland, OH |
Wednesdays at 2000 ET (0100Z, 0000Z DST) on the 146.88 repeater |
Net Control: Craig D. Kollai |
Masonic Gathering Net on Echolink |
Node 83055 – Sunday, 8:30 PM CST |