The following is a list of Masonic Amateur Radio Nets held in and near Ohio.

Additions to this list are welcome by contacting the SIG coordinator listed below.

The Trestleboard Net
Originating in Cleveland
Sunday evenings on 28.495 mHz at 2030 ET(0130Z, 0030Z DST)
Tuesdays on the 146.73 mHz repeater at 2100 ET (0200Z, 0100Z DST)
Ohio Masonic Fellowship Net
Sunday evenings on 3.865 mHz at 2130 ET (0230Z, 0130Z DST)
Net Control: W.B. Jim Sutherin, K8DHC
Marion, OH
20 Meter Masonic Fellowship Net
Monday-Friday on 14.328 mHz at 1100 ET (1600Z, 1500Z DST)
Net Controls: Dave KD5RHL Thursday and Friday, Barb KD5SVX also on Friday
Larry, N7LAR Monday, Jim N0TUI Tuesday
Chuck W4CTC on Wednesday
Michigan Masonic Fellowship Net
Sunday afternoons on 7233 mHz at 1400 ET (1900Z, 1800Z DST
Net Control: W.B. John M. Akkala, W8AT
Marquette, MI
QCWA Chapter No. 1
Cleveland, OH
Wednesdays at 2000 ET (0100Z, 0000Z DST) on the 146.88 repeater
Net Control: Craig D. Kollai
Masonic Gathering Net on Echolink
Node 83055 – Sunday, 8:30 PM CST
Freemasons Worldwide DMR Net
Thursdays at 2000 ET (0100Z, 0000Z DST) on Network TGIF-357357 DMR
Net Control: Earl Wells, N8XYO
Facebook Page: FreeMasons WorldWide TGIF 357357